2010. október 31., vasárnap

Prima Classe- Alviero Martini

Álmaim cuccai: az 'Utazós' táskák, ahogy én nevezem őket :P Egyszerűen minden darabját el tudnám fogadni. Gyönyörűek a táskák, a napszemüvegek, az esernyők, az övek, az övek, a kesztyűk, a kalapok, a sálak és a legszebbek a cipők!

Ez csak pár kikapott példa, de millió és millió van még :)

2010. október 29., péntek

Movies In Minutes -most funniest thing on youtube :D

Vuvuzela túladagolás

A nyári foci VB emlékére...:)
Kár, hogy a Franciák olyan gyorsen kieestek. Nem volt kinek drukkolnom... :(

My favourite funny pictures

Harry Potter:
best of all


Doctor Who:

I laughed on this nearly for a week :D
It's a SPOILER if you haven't watched yet the 4th seasons last two episode

Other (not-film-conected):

2010. október 10., vasárnap

Ace and Rimmer

Nem rég olvastam a Backwards című Red Dwarf könyvet, ahol találkozik Rimmer (a kedvenc szereplőm ^^) és a párhuzamos világ béli mása Ace Rimmer, aki minden tekintetbenn több és jobb, mint szegény Rimmer. Nos, az ő védelmében készítettem ezt a rajzocskát, mert bár mindenki Ace-t szereti, Rimmer akkor is jobb ;)

Ez így elmondva egy kicsit furán hangozhat, és megértem, ha nem érted elsőre. Mindenesetre itt van néhány oldal, ami választ adhat az esetlegesen felmerülő kérdéseidre:

Ok, so in english:
In my opinion, if you are english or you speak english you must know the britt sitcom Red Dwarf. Yeah, but I'm sure, that half of you doesn't know what am I talking about :( It's really sad, that every english person I asked that if she knows the Red Dwraf, didn't knew it. I know It's a really old series, but It's still funny. It's an all-time-moovie.

If you don't living in the U.K. I forgive you if you don't know it ;) But once you must saw an episode. It's hilarious..
Here is the offical site: www.reddwarf.co.uk

2010. október 9., szombat


I had that idea, that I collet a lot of yellow fruit, and How beautyful it would look like?  Alas I only found this three yellow frut at home :)

And here are the Fuzzy Fruits what I was told you about in my  previous post.

N.o 24

We have a strange fruit called 'osage orange' in hungarian it's called 'ördög alma'. It has a very good smell, and a beautyful fresh green color. So I thought: how funny would be this like a skirt! So I designed It.
Here is some information about it, if you interested:
http://www.crossingamy.com/archives/302 - she is an american girl living in hungary :)
 And here is my picture of it:

And some more pictures find on the internet:
Double Funky Fruit

N.o 9

I don't like it very mush. It looks like a Superwoman, like Clara Kent :D

N.o 23

Formal dress.

2010. október 7., csütörtök

N.o 21

A kedvenc ruhatervem magamtól. Eddig.

My favourite dress what had been made by me :)

N.o 6

Erre nagyon büszke vagyok. Ne a szoknyát vagy a próbababát nézzétek, hanem a MINTÁT. Ok, per pillanat azt se nézzétek, mert nem lett jó a rajz. Nemsokára előálllok egy digitálisan feljavított verzióval.

I'm very proud of it :) Don't look at the skirt or the girl, look at the PATTERN. If I would give it a title, I would say the 'nightllife in the city' or 'at the light of the lamps'.
Oh, I nearly forgot to say: I's in lolita style.

The lamp was next to the Italian lake: Garda. I was there in October

N.o 22

colored :D Do you like it?

2010. október 6., szerda

2010. október 4., hétfő

Horse riding

from here: http://my.deviantart.com/messages/#/d301jz8
I love horse riding. I love horses. I used to go horse riding in every saturday. But now, we haven't got enough money and time. Che peccato!
My favourite farm is a hour trip from Budapest, so it's a long tome to get there and go there :( It's name is LovasZugoly, and I reccomand for you all. Ok, if you live in HUNGARY. Otherway, it would be a little difficult :)

Csapdi közelében van egy kicsi, és csodás lovarda: Lovaszugolynak hívják. Mindenkinek ajánlom. A lovak nyugodtak és fegyelmezettek, a tulajdonosok kedvesek :)

Ok, here are the horses:
Foltos, my favourite horse. He is the grand grand son of the faomus champion horse, Imperial. He's very calm, the oldest  and the fastest of the horses.

Hunor is one of the youngest horses. He can't be riden, couse, he's just a 2 years old colt. He likes chewing everything :) He is a Hungarian warmblood.

Hernád. He' a Hungarian warmblood too. He is the uncle of Hunor :)

OK, and there are 11 more horses, and I have to go study. One day maybe I will continue introducing them, but not now.
Here are some more photos taken by me, and thats all:

Piroska, the only Pony in the 'farm'

uncle and nephew :D

white horse white flowers

Balambér alias Bali, the dog of the house

of a view point of a horse :)

its soo itching

blee :P

And the best shot: